Leadership Development program.

There are 468 Dharma vijaya Societies established in the country. All the activities related to economic, health, education and moral values in the respective villages are conducted by these societies under the leadership and the consent of the chief bhikku of the temple.

In order to conduct these social activities, it is essential to get the support of the young men and women of the society. Many elders with leadership qualities are involved in the societies but developing a second level leadership is our responsibility.

Most of the temples where Dharma Vijaya Societies are established conduct Dhamma schools. A preference is given for a selected group of students and teachers in the Dhamma School when providing Leadership Training.

Leadership training is a 2 – 3 days residential program. Lectures and workshops are conducted by a specialist panel on the subject. Providing facilities for the program including lodging and transport cost of the participants are provided by the Dharma Vijaya Foundation. For one program, an approximate cost of Rs. 15000 – 20000 is invested.

After receiving the training, the participant has to coordinate with the Foundation while working in the field and therefore post program supervision is conducted.