Annual General Meeting – 2023 of Dharma Vijaya Foundation.

The 44rd Annual General Meeting of Dharma Vijaya Foundation was held on Friday 06th October 2023 at 3.00 pm at the Most Venerable Madihe Pannasiha Mahanayake Swamindra auditorium of Dharma Vijaya Foundation. Uttara Anusasaka Most Venerable Aggamahapanditha Thirikunamale Ananda Mahanayake Thero (Mahanayake of Amarapura Sri Dharmarakshita Nikaya, Bambalapitiya Siri Vajirarama Dharmayatanadhipati) and Rajakeeya Pandit Venerable Talalle Chandakitti Thero (Colombo 7 Narada Buddhist Dharmayatana, Alawwa Panasiha Senasuna Viharadhishwara,) also attended the meeting as special guests. Apart from that, the Patrons of Dharma Vijaya Foundation, Tripitakacharya Sastrapati Rajakeeya Pandit Venerable Hakmana Sumanasiri Thero and Siri Vajiraramaye Venerable Gnanasiha Thero also attended. The annual general meeting was successfully held with the participation of trustees and associated members of the Foundation.  There, trustees were also appointed for the following positions for the coming year.

  • President – G.D. Cyril Gunapala
  • Secretary – H. B. Premarathne
  • Treasurer – N.G.B.Nanayakkara
  • Vice President – Mr. M.D.W. Ariyawansa
  • Vice President and Media Secretary – Sarath Amarakoon
  • Vice President – Mr. Sarath Dharmawardena
  • Deputy Secretary – Kanthi Perera
  • Deputy Treasurer – Karu Heenatigala
  • Internal Auditor – Sumedha Amerasinghe