Donation of books for Daham school children.

Thellambura Sadaham Dharmavijaya Society of Sri Khettarama Temple in Nakiyadeniya area of Galle District organized a book distribution ceremony for Dhamma school children on 9th April, 2023 at the Dhamma Mandir of Thellambupra Temple under the leadership of Gemunu Dhamma School of Thellambura, As a special donation, Dharma Viijaya Foundation donated one thousand exercise books for the program at a cost of Rs. 96,000.00. This event was attended by Venerable Akmeemana Pannasara Thero, the deputy Sanghanayake of Galle, Matara and Bentara areas and the chairperson of Yakkalamulla Sasanarakshaka Board and Venerable Walpola Gunarathana Thero, deputy Sanghanayaka of Galle Province and the Deputy Registrar. Many religious devotees participated in the program that was successfully conducted under the initiative of Venerable Sri Palalle Saranajothi Thero, the President of Thellambura Sadaham Dharmavija Society.