Awarding of Education Scholarships by Dharmavijaya Foundation – 2023.

Awarding of scholarships for 48 students who were eligible to receive the new education scholarships offered by the Dharma Vijaya Foundation was held at the Dharmavijaya Foundation Auditorium on Thursday 29th June 2023. Mahanayaka of Amarapura, Sri Dharmarakshita Nikaya, Aggamahapandita Most Venerable Thirunkunamale Ananda Mahanayake Thero graced this ceremony as the Guest of Honor. The special guest lecture was delivered by Dr. Praneeth Abheyasundara , lecturer of the Sri Jayawardenepura University. The Patron of Dharmavijaya Foundation Tripitakacharya Shastrapati Rajakeeya Pandita Venerable Hakmana Sumanasiri Thero also attended the occasion. Philanthropist Dr. Dilanjan Soysa participated as a special guest and the Scholarships Awarding Ceremony was successfully concluded with the participation of members of the board of trustees of the Foundation, scholarship recipients and their parents. Find below some moments from the ceremony including awarding of scholarships to students.